Apple Date Cake

Apple Date Cake

Serving amount: 12 pieces of cake
Preparation time: 30 min
Baking time: 30 min


500 g apples
1 tb cinnamon

150 g whole grain buckwheat flour
100 g maize flour
50 g line seeds, ground
50 g corn starch
10 g baking soda
cloves, ground
1 pinch of salt

500 ml water
450 g date paste
50 ml apple vinegar
150 ml rapeseed oil

100 ml rose water


  1. Preheat the oven up to 180°C.
  2. Cut the apples into halves and remove the core with seeds.
  3. Then slice the apples and spread the slices on a cake baking form.
  4. Sprinkle the cinnamon over the apple slices and bake for about 15 min until slightly browned.
  5. While the apples are being baked, mix all the dry ingredients in a large bowl.
  6. Put the date paste, vinegar, oil and 400 ml of water in a mixer and mix until reaching a smooth texture. Pour the date mixture into the dry mixture.
  7. With the remaining 100 ml of water, run the mixer for cleaning all residues, add to the mixture and mix well.
  8. Pour the mixture on top of the baked apples and bake for about 30 min until the wooden tooth pick comes out dry of the centre of the cake.
  9. Sprinkle the rose water over the warm baked cake and wait for about 30 min until completely absorbed.
  10. Release the outer ring of the baking form, cover it with a large cake serving plate and flip the cake.

Enjoy! 🙂

Article by Pauline Eberts
© All rights reserved DeliKaktus – Blanc & Baum GbR


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